Saturday, May 31, 2014

App Developed

Well, well.

This accomplishment, so new, so strong.

Ever had many events and wish to remember them?
Ever wanted to jot down what happened on this date?
Ever wish to know how long had happened since that event?

Yep - Eventful is the app!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

More Programming

Quick summary of what I've learnt for Android development:

NotificationManager: Basically how to create notifications which appear in the notification window, by using NotificationBuilder or NotificationCompat.Builder. There's more to it though, like running an action after clicking on the notification and many others.

Alarm: Setting off an action after a certain time. Requires a BroadcastReceiver, and overriding the method onReceive().

DateTime Picker/Dialog: This one is interesting. There's other requirements for it to work, like Dialog where there are listeners to implement. Calendar class is required too in order to fully utilise the Date and Time.

• ListView with Search

Custom Adapter + ListView with custom Filter (Search): This is one tough shit! Feels like I am doing my schoolwork all over again. Lots of implementations. The Filter class is the unknown to me, but I guess the longer I use it I could understand better.

Right, so those above are the list so far. The reason for me learning and understanding the last set 'Custom Adapter + ListView with custom Filter' is due to my intent to replicate an app called Time Flies. This app allows the user to jot down an event that happened with a time alongside. Basically like a diary of what-have-I-did or any type of events for that mattered.

Problem with this app is it's old, last updated 2010 (wow). So I am basically trying to update so it uses the > Android 4 interface plus addition of new functionality such as search and more. Of course the app itself is great and does what it has to but once the database increases to more than 200 plus, one's not gonna scroll through the list to find out that event so a search is really required.

On other side of my life, I've put myself into the disconnect mode. I have deactivated my Facebook with the option "This is temporary. I'll be back.". I know, the reaction from people I would get is obviously 'lol'. LOL all you want, but this is just me. I have been trying to reach out with people but it's a no avail type of quest. Although there are successes but these successes are short lived as I don't seem to be the kind to chat with people all day long. So, a disconnect could possible give me a good reason to find myself back on path, which so far it seems good.

As far as connection is concerned, I still use Twitter for feed purposes. Not many interact with me on Twitter so all's good, I use it like Blogger and it's simply a microblogging platform (well that's what Twitter is in the first place). Rant, daily thoughts, yep all posted.

Social media are really just filled with senseless opinions. They want this, they want that and one gets easily influenced and for that purpose, I became a victim. I began to accept some of my addictions, accept that I don't socialize, accept that I am just passive. I can try to change but it always fallback to what I actually am. So just accept... it. Not gonna venture further.

Just me..

Monday, May 19, 2014

Programming and Movies

Have been learning a lot of Android development lately.
Many of it are simply basic implementations, getting to know the SDK.

But well learning it, writing it and then it results in a working input/output really provides a sense of achievement and satisfaction in return.

But here's what I learnt so far:

• Setting Holo Dark theme and Holo Light theme on the fly with an option using just 'this.recreate()', together with 'setTheme(style)'.
QR Code Scanner - wow this is one is really hard as I couldn't understand how to implement most of the libraries. Most of it are having incomplete documentations... Especially the ZXing's version. But well a friend managed to provide me with a working library and working example where I could implement it with ease.
• Understanding of 'Context' in Android and how passing it to another Class is important to work with the UI.
• Oh with QR Code Scanner I managed to understand slightly on how AsyncTask works with HTTP GET/POST and also onPostExecute method is important to update main thread. Need to dive in more into this to get to know fully.
• Some basic layout properties.
• Facebook SDK! Simple Login to Facebook and getting the username from the Session and Request Me.

On the other hand, I've been watching some movies which I've missed on the big screen:
• Her 2013
• Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 2013

Other movies are:
• Broken Hill 2009
• Gattaca 1997

Her is best in the list above. And I especially love one of the what-feels-like-poem to me script:

It’s like I’m reading a book
And it’s a book I deeply love
But I’m reading it slowly now
So the words are really far apart
And the spaces between the words are almost infinite
I can still feel you, and the words of our story
But it’s in this endless space between the words that I’m finding myself now.
It’s a place that’s not of the physical world
It’s where everything else is that I didn’t even knew existed.

I love you so much
But this is where I am now
And this is who I am now
And I need you to let me go.

Meanwhile I also loved the story of Broken Hill. Without Alexa Vega, I probably wouldn't know of this beautiful spiritual movie.